Monday, June 20, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

It is very important to be passionate about your job. You spend so much of your time and commitment doing your job that you have to be passionate about it. Its too much time taken out of your life to regret doing it. When you don't like your job, then it affects the rest of your life because you think about it, or you come home after a bad day of it and cant brush it off.
I know adults who lash out on their family because they are upset at what they have to deal with at work and it stresses them out. They aren't passionate about their job and they bring that home with them. If its a job where you have to deal with customers then you definitely have to like it because sometimes people think that you are only there to serve them and if you do something wrong then the blame is all on you. And if you already dislike your job then its harder to forget about the bad customers that made your day worse.

My life - After a very long and stressful twelve years of school I will be taking a break before going to college. I have been writing since i was 13, mainly songs but have started stories, and have successful feedback by many people I know personally and don't know personally. And have sent my writings into a publishing company down in the States and have got a song writing contracts in return. My future isn't completely planned out but writing is something I'm passionate about because its my only way of expressing myself and getting out what I need to say but am too afraid to and I feel it will go far because of that. To get to where I want to be, sharing my writings with everyone, I just need to look at more options and more writing companies, hopefully one closer. But since the first one I sent samples too gave me very positive feedback, I am confident in it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

55word original composition

Always there

Oxygen. You use it to breathe. Your first breathe with birth. Your last breathe with dead. Something you can't see is so essential to living. Awake, I could breathe. Alone, I breathed. Its always been there. With family. After friends abandoned me. I breathe. So why, throughout my life have I felt like I've been suffocating.


He sent my cousin to the hospital. I was fourteen.

Set him on fire, told him to just die.

And my cousin did, two months after i turned fifteen.

Put on trial when I was sixteen. Evidence revealed at seventeen, Enough for twenty-five to life. Five months till i turn eighteen. I'm still waiting.

The youth of today

You are killing today's generation. Watch your children fall. Your hearts full of lies, souls piled up for sale. They give themselves up so easily. Chained up so young and naive. And we sit back and watch the show. Our hearts full of pride. Nothing can stop them now. Nothing can faze them now.

Save you?

Falling and they have no control. Your children stand tall and broken. Hiding it all away, they go away broken and we are the generation that's supposed to save the world. Save the world? We can’t even save ourselves. I think I'll let you drown in the desperation of the world you created for me.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hypothetical Blog

Look at the future. Do you see world peace? The cure for cancer? No more world hunger? An overpopulated world of just wealthy successful people? Do you see the youth of today's generation growing up to change the world? Making new 'Eco friendly' products, making major breakthroughs in medicine and technology that will help save the world .... no more overcrowded prisons. ..? Well think about this for a moment. A generation of children growing up free. Free to do whatever they want, because today's generations are having less and less rules. And it gets worse over time. A future generation of children with no rules, nothing to keep them grounded, and nothing to keep them from doing the things that horrified the parents of today's generation.

Now do me a favour. Bring yourself to the future with me. A hypothetical one, but a future. Fast forward thirty years, maybe even fifty. What if the way we raised the kids in the past, will lead to the destruction of the world. The geniuses of the generation are strung out, hung over, overdosing, dead. The world though so far in time, has gotten itself farther behind then past decades. And we still stand proud. The government sits corrupt, in high chairs looking down on the world and the youth that could save them. Being corrupt is not a new game for governments, but they have expanded on the ways they can control us. We fight for world peace using brainwashing and torture, openly and consistently. There are no secrets because there's nothing that can surprise us anymore. Nothing can scare us anymore. Our children rule us and there's nothing we can do about it, we have to follow. We know that if we step out of line, we either disappear or end up in the torture cells, praying to be saved. It's gotten past the point where we can rise up and start a revolution. The government has too much power now. Not to mention now, all the countries are gathered into one Government. One power to rule all. When the corruption started, there was no one who was able to stand up and stop it; there was no one to organize a war against the corruption. It took one man, one smart man to end up as a candidate for our world, to wipe out all the other opponents and take control of the armies, one country at a time. History repeats itself... we knew that and still we were blind to this Hitler twin. And now look where we are. It's like a world of zombies. We talk, eat, sleep, and go to work, come home, watch movies. But we don’t ask questions, we don’t stand up for what we believe, we don’t want to save the world, we want the best and the most for ourselves. Schools have changed, they don’t teach history and how the world used to be, they teach how to follow orders, take what we want, the government is our saviour and the world has always been this way. Religion is something in the past. It’s like a relic. It’s rare you find it and if you are caught showing any signs of religion or practicing of it, you are taken away, and never will return. Because religion shows that there is something else out there then the government and it offers an escape. Family values have been taken away; the schools are left to raise the kids the way they want. Our children don’t understand respect, they don’t understand that they can’t just take what they want, and violence is not the answer. We are losing the meaning of Love, grace, family, friendship, care. The world is full of greed and there’s nothing that can stop us from stripping the world of everything it has just so we can say we own it. We have become desensitized to violence and it started years ago, our children start out young, hurting each other to get what they want and there is nothing to stop them.

What if the path we are taking in the present causes the destruction to the world. The children of the generation lose all that their parents and grandparents grew up knowing, all their values, all their hopes, what they love. Just because we fall to the pressure of work and society and let the children raise themselves and do that they want without learning the consequences. Believing all the TV tells us how to live and all the lies the government shares with us. I hope, that the hypothetical facts I shared will stay hypothetical, in a future that will never be.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Research - Afghanistan.

A country thrown into a life of war and effortless stereotypes since the birth of the country. A country that just one day decides to become violence and the center of hate or a country that is born into it? Generations have been subjected to other countries hate towards them or other countries feeling the need to take them under their own rule. Normal children have a fit until they get what they want, play with barbies and cars and go to school, these Afghan children watch slaughters. So how can you expect them to grow up "normal". To grow up not wanting to hate, to not want to go to war. Though take in consideration the Taliban, is not a nation. Not every women and child and man will follow them. Not all will choose it over death. Americans kill Americans like Canadians kill Canadians .. like Afghans kill Afghans. Yes, we have to go after the 'bad guys' but we can not sit there and blame the entire country for what is going on. Women have no rights, they aren’t allowed to do anything and yet we can stereotype them in the same group as the terroristic men? They aren't out to just get wealthy countries. But can you blame them for wanting to? In 1919, Afghanistan regains independence after a third war that is against British Forces trying to bring Afghanistan under their 'sphere of influence'. And it’s a continuous battle after 1919 to even today as i write this, in 2011. Theres battles within the Government and struggles with new and old religions within the people. 1980s another sphere of influence comes to take over Afghanistan, the Soviet Union's communists move in. 1985 half the population is estimated to be displaced by war, many fleeing to Pakistan. A year later the U.S Begins to supply an afghan leader Mujahedin with Stinger Missiles to shoot down Soviet helicopters. In 1988 Afghanistan, USSR, US and Pakistan sign peace accord and it takes a year for the Soviets to finally pull out. 1991 US and USSR agree to end military aid to both sides. Doesn’t take long for something else to start up. in 1992 the country is once again torn apart by a war between two different groups and Najibullah falls from power. In two years over sixty-five thousand people are killed in the city Kabul while the two groups fight for power. And it 1994 the Taliban emerge as a challenge to the government. Two years later they seize control of a major city Kabul and introduce a hard-line version of Islam, banning women from work, introducing Islamic punishment which include stoning to death. The Taliban end up controlling 2/3 of the country. and then in 1998 the bombings start. US launch missile strikes at 'Suspected bases' of Osama bin Laden who they accused of bombing US embassies in Africa. In April 2001, the most powerful Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Rabbani dies. in September 9th 2001 Ahmad Shah Massoud, a man who played a leading role in getting the Soviets out of Afghanistan and created the United Front which was against the Taliban, was assassinated by Arab al-Qaeda suicide bombers. September 11th 2001, the Taliban are held repsonisble for attacks on american trade towers, two were hit, three fall. All hell breaks loose. I think you know the rest. death toll continues to rise.

2002 July - US air raid in Uruzgan province kills 48 civilians, many of them members of a wedding party

2003 June - Clashes between Taliban fighters and government forces in Kandahar province leave 49 people dead.

2005 February - Several hundred people are killed in the harshest winter weather in a decade.

2005 April - An Afghan woman was stoned to death for adultery

2005 May - Details emerge of alleged prisoner abuse by US forces at detention centres in Afghanistan.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Review

- Don't know if it will work but its all i was able to write about. but better then nothing eh.

Hate. There's many levels and many reasons to hate. My view on hate is that it is something that is needed in the world. You might wonder why. Isn't Hate what we have been trying to rid from the world, isn't it what starts wars and gets people killed? But there's good and bad to hate, seems like a contradiction. Take a minute to think about.
There's the good side of Hate. If you hate a job or a type of friend or situation then you learn from that hate to stay away from that type of job if you can. Or to try to stay away from that type of friend that caused you to feel hate towards them. I don't mean simple hate like disliking homework and not wanting to do it or disliking having to do chores. But the hate that can teach you a lesson to not put yourself in that situation and it could keep you safer. Hating a person or certain quality can keep you away from them and therefore away from that which might of hurt you in the past. Hating the way a boyfriend might of treated you or an ex husband can cause you to notice and pick out the same qualities in other people and stop you from making the same mistake.

The Bad side of hate is that it takes a lot of energy from you if you spend your time focusing and hating a person, or place or situation. If you spend all your time hating a family member or friend then you can drain yourself. How positive and happy can your day be if you spend so much time trying to hate someone or something. And if you take time to seek out and find reasons to hate, that takes time out of your life that you cant get back. Sometimes when it consumes you it becomes a feeling that embraces your body. A sick feeling in your stomach, one that can make you feel weak and like you have no strength left to deal with anything anymore, especially what it is that you hate. It causes lack of motivation and hating something and thinking about it, focusing just on that can bring your mood down to a depression state of mind.

Hate can teach a lesson. That it can cause a nation to fall and people to die but it can also help someone. If it doesn't take over your life and you don't drown in your anger and miserableness that it might cause then it can keep you from making the same mistake that you made in the past that caused that hate.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perception is life

Nothing is as real as we see it. Nothing is simple. It may be in our eyes but its more complicated then we think. The eye is easily manipulated. We often have a closed mind and we don't see much else then we want to see.

The media and advertisements have major illusions within themselves. The media gives the illusion that there is constant danger and that no one is safe by only focusing on the stories about murder and theft. Everyone locks their doors at night, puts alarms on their cars, watches their children carefully, has security cameras, because the media has shown that 1 in a million chance of it happening and made it seem like an every day occurrence. They tell us that the numbers of crimes and murders have risen which scares us but do we take in the consideration of our Population rise? Society's desensitization to violence? Both families working to survive and the child raising themselves? With how much the population has risen in the past 50 years, 20 years, it only makes sense that crime rises with it. So it’s not much different then it was 30 years ago, its not that the population stays the same and crime keeps rising, it changes with the population. But their focus is not to make you feel better. Illusions within Advertisement is that everyone looks this certain way except you and that you will only be liked if you have and wear their products. They pull you in by having Famous stars that are beautiful and tall and thin and tell you that you should look like them because ... well ... who wouldn’t want to? And the guys in the commercials who get the girl just because they smell good but might have no personality and they are nicely built but that means they have to spend most of their relationships in the gym to obtain that beaut of a bod. They fail to mention how many shots it might have taken to get the star to look that way, the right lighting, how long it takes to put on the make-up, digitally playing with the lighting after the shot, making sure all the colours match.

Manipulation is all over the world. It’s how we are ruled and how we are controlled. The government has to have a way to get us all to follow and do what they say and be scared into trusting them so that they don't have to worry about we the people wanting them gone and enabling them to rule. They give the illusion that what they do is right because they control a fair amount so that we see the good and not the bad in their choices. And make us think we don't have to worry about it by manipulating us and getting us to see what the government wants us to see and that means that we will not question what they do because that's how we are brought up and we are supposed to trust this authority figure so we follow along. We have grown up following these rules of illusions and now they are normal to us, we no longer think about the many possibilities that can go along with everything within the world and we only think about what it is that we see just as it is and not a bigger picture of it and what we see is controlled. We don't question things anymore. Take 9/11 for example. Ask around and you will find that a lot of people, American and Canadian, do not know about the third tower that fell and they will not have heard the creator of the buildings say that they were not supposed to fall like that. Ask around and the majority of people will agree it was a terrorist attack. Ask the few people that were able to look past what the government showed us and told us to believe, and they will say that it does not add up. Fear of other Countries and fear of each other is what keeps a population trusting the Government to keep us safe and keeps us easier to rule. There’s nothing to fear but fear itself unless its a Muslim, Jew, or Christian, because ones got bombs and the ones got something bigger then us that we cant understand and that’s scary, Right?. There’s this massive illusion of fear that is in our every day lives and we don’t know how it would be to live without fear because we never have. We may think its not there and we might not notice it but do you lock your car door? Do you lock you house doors? Do you lock your windows? Do you cross the road when certain people are walking towards you? A Nation confident in them, wealthy and peaceful is harder to rule. Why? Because what’s there to stop them from having an up rise when the Government turns around and says pass a law or do something they said they weren’t going to.

Monday, February 28, 2011


For 90 seconds, list everything you can think of that would be found in a hospital. Now write a story using every word you have listed, but don’t set your story anywhere near a hospital.

Beds, Rib cutting saw, scalpel, Syringe, Latex Gloves, Surgical blade, Cotton bandage, Gauze swab, Surgeon Gown, face mask, Operating Table, operation lamp, MONITORING SYSTEMS, Stethoscope, Sphygmomanometer, Scissors, Forceps

I hadn't even gotten my eyes open and I could feel the fear break in. It all happened slowly and it started with pain in my chest and my hands and feet were trying to get me away from my captors and then it registered in my mind that something was wrong and panic set in on every inch of my body. But I couldn't move to satisfy my decision of flight instead of fight. And it still didn't settle when I finally opened my eyes and saw that all it was was me strapped to this chair in the corner of a small room. But wait for it. It keeps getting worse. At first there was confusion, I couldn't even force myself to remember what had happened before i regained consciousness and it made the panic and fear much worse. The restraints on my wrists and ankles that kept me to the chair were cutting off the circulation and making them slightly numb. The restraint across my chest crushed my lungs and I could hardly get in a breath. Threatening to send me back into the darkness if I didn't settle down and breathe properly. Hyperventilation is an enemy in this situation. My first thought was to assess the situation, look for any escape, but I was almost too scared to look around the room, worried of what I might find and what I did find, made me realize the pain all over was not just panic and fear.

There was a large light that hung on the ceiling, brightening up all the blood on a large silver tray on a cart covered in small bloody surgical tools. My blood. A fairly large operating table is in the corner across from me with a large operating lamp over it, more restraints attached to it, looking old and broken, more blood. One time I was asked what I considered a bad day to be, this was definitely not even near one of my ideas. I checked myself over, as much as I could see. The clothes I had on were tattered and torn up and dirty. Blood was crusted around the rips, open gashes could be seen under the tear in the knee of my pants and a rip on the left arm of my shirt. No bandages, no stitches. I looked back at the handful of different sized scalpels that lay in the pool of red. You ever been stuck in a room with pain all over and look around to find a saw meant for cutting ribs in surgery, covered in blood? No? Ya.. didn't think so. But take it from me, everything else you have ever worried about in your entire life, just looked so much better. There was two shelves on this cart, the second one was full of cotton bandages, scissors, face masks, gloves. On the floor in front of it was a bloody surgeon gown, with a needle and syringe. This was really not making me feel any better.

I didn't know how long I had been here since I had no idea what day it was. The cuts that I could see looked anything but new, same with the blood everywhere else. But I'm no expert, so what do I know. I was too panicked to realize I hadn't even noticed the smell. (Old, stale air, sweat, and too much of the metallic smell blood has). But before I could really feel sick from the smell, the door opened. You'll never guess who it was. Well.. of course you wont, you don't even know who I am. How rude of me.. I'm sorry. My name is William. I'm the presidents son. How do you do?. The man who opened the small wooden door to the room was a friend of the family, Dr.(Robinson) Well, I guess friend is an over statement now. He smiled, like everything was OK, a smile that made me hate him. He brought up a chair, put it in front of me and sat down, so we were face to face. Victim to Criminal. His eyes brightened when he started with his story. Explaining to me the plan he and his group had. I didn't even have to ask. But as he finished, I realized I didn't want to know. The plan? What else could it be? Kill the president. How? A bomb they were gonna strap to me. But it didn't add up. Why was this room turned into a hospital and why was I once a patient?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

walk a paragraph - Claire

The alarm clock goes at 8:00. It wakes me with the soft sound of classical music. A piano and a bit of violin mixed in with it. It's a peaceful yet sad awakening. I sigh. Waking up alone gets easier every time. The sadness doesn't go away, you just get used to the fact that he’s not here anymore. Not here anymore to wake me up gently and tell me I look as pretty as I did when he first saw me. I have to keep my day filled up with things that keep me busy so I don't notice as much that I am alone. I always thought I would have him to spend the rest of my life with, till I was too old to remember my own name. I always thought I was too young to lose him. Reality cleared that up for me. I get dressed and fix up my hair so it’s smooth with slight curls and so that the gentle blond streaks show. I dress up in a white blouse and black dress pants as if to say "I'm important and on a job mission ... Don’t get in my way". I need to seem strong and confident so people stop asking me if I'm doing OK and if I'm mourning still. The answer is 'Yes'. But I put on this mask, of light makeup and put on a show. The thing he never wanted me to do. And I smile a type of lie that fools most people. But in the mirror, my reflection is still just an aging, weak, single woman that I wish could up and disappear and never come back. But she’s part of me now and she always will be. I have to deal with it. Some days I'm not sure if I still want to wear my wedding ring. It brings up questions that lead to bringing up all the memories. And everyone I know gives me a look that says "poor her, still holding on, won’t let go". But would I be hurting the memories if I took the ring off and acted like there was nothing that happened that has made my days empty and less meaningful. but with my mask I have painted on, I can handle anything. And I slip the ring on my finger anyways. Bring it on world.

The process takes just a little over 30 minutes and I get ready to walk out the door, throwing on a long dark purple coat with black dress shoes and i grab my reading glasses, gently placing them in my bag beside my book, I'm a sucker for romance novels. Not the typical ones that have the damsel and the shirtless hunk on the cover, which multiple writers do. Where am I going do you ask? Out of this house, out and away of only me and the empty left side of the closet. The empty side of the bed, the empty side of the dresser. I have the day off today and I do what I do on most of my days off. I drive, though I hate it, I was always the passenger, but had to get used to it since I can’t rely on people to drive me everywhere all the time. And I end up at the mall. where I walk down to the small square that contains cushioned chairs and benches, where the men usually sit, wait and hang with the other husbands and boyfriends while their wives and girlfriends go around and shop at stores that don't contain sports equipment, cars, food, or movies with people getting beat up and dying every other minute. And I sit. All small stores within the mall are closed and the grocery store is full of employees fixing everything on the shelves to make them look nice. But I'm not here to shop. Most of the people that come in around nine a.m are the retired folks that go straight to the lotto to win that few million dollars before they die, or the food court for a morning deal of heart attack. I pull out a book and my glasses and open to the page I left off on last night. Most people might think that the mall is a weird place to decide to read a book in, there's no quiet or peace and there's always people walking around that can be distracting. But to me it’s something different. I don't mind the people, early like this, there is not a lot anyways, even the odd number of teenagers there seems to be today, but I don't feel alone, which is what I want as much most of all. And I can always zone out into my book and become this damsel that gets saved by a shirtless guy on a powerful white horse. Cheesy yes, it never happens, but my hero is gone. I just want to be surrounded by people and not have to talk to them, not feel alone but be in silence at the same time.

I'm not there for long before my name being called brings me out of my trance and I look up to see Betty, dressed in a long black coat, clutching her bag strap and looking as upbeat as always. Her unnatural curly hair in place and wouldn't move if a wind storm hit. I smile at her but not sure if I want to deal with her at the moment. But too late, before I can do anything and go back into fairly tale land, she’s chatting up a storm as always and sits down beside me before I can offer her a seat. Oh Betty. I respond when there's a question and just smile and nod to everything else. But then I realize how nice it is to actually talk to someone. And her endless chatter seems a little peaceful and my smile becomes real. I bookmark my page and close it so my full attention is on her and then she is asking me if I would like to get some coffee and a biscuit. I agree without really thinking and we get on our way to a small coffee shop away from the mall. I tell myself to enjoy it as much as possible and soak it all up. Don’t take this friendship for granted and be interesting in the conversation. Make an effort Claire. Because when the day ends and I’m back at home, I climb into my side of the empty bed and fall asleep. And when the alarm clock wakes me up. I’m alone again. And it starts all over.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mathematical school for artistic people

Rewind a few years and I am sitting there in middle school worrying only about my friends and what to do over lunch break. Bring it back to now and I'm stuck with not much else except the few skills that I have. The only things that could possibly help me in life are my writing and drawing skills that Ive worked on since i was twelve but they have only now just meant anything. But here i am in grade twelve, largely based on arts, and doing math eleven for the third time in two years and passing science with a 50%. why? because there are people like me who's life revolves around Arts and the comprehension of Science and Math is almost non existent but we have to depend on it if we want to pass grade twelve, and we have to depend on the passing of grade twelve to get anywhere major in life or to even get close to our goals most of the time. so what the hell do we do. we fail, and then we try again until we fail again. until school has become nothing more then a waste of time. And our teenage years are supposed to be the most important, its where we develop and grow up. So what if we grow up being told we are failures and we cant do what we want because its not in the guidelines of school. then what.

I do think that i am developing the skills that i have in school but i don't have much time for them because my school days and homework are mainly focused on the classes that i struggle with and that i don't have any skills in. So how much do i get to enjoy and work on the skills i do have when i have to focus and struggle on the classes that i have no comprehension in, in order to pass high school and the classes i wont need to get to where i want to go in life. So how is it helping me. its not.

We are living in an entertainment world. Its an Art world. but you are in school and your years are mainly about math and science. So here you go throwing a bunch of kids into school and forcing them to learn stuff they don't understand and testing them on what they don't understand and then telling them that they are stupid because they don't understand. It all depends on the build of your brain. Some people are just generally smart and can do everything possible in school and they get 100% in everything and they are set to go in life. But then you throw in a bunch of Students who's brains see things differently. People who aren't mentally challenged and need extra help but people who just generally see things scattered and not straight. These people generally aren't good at math and science but Art. Because in math and science there is one way to do it and if its not that way, then it is wrong. Why? because someone made it up and said so. So these Art people go to school and there are math and science outlines. ones you have to follow to pass. it doesn't make sense! there's math and science people who cant even draw a stick figure but it doesn't matter because that's not important and they are set because they have smarts in Math. But everything is put on the art people to do good in subjects they cant. Its not balanced.

The perfect school. If you want to be an RCMP officer you have to go to a special school that has certain training ways. Such as you have to march where ever you go and have your room perfect down to every shoe lace neatly tucked in or they toss it. why? because its learning discipline and how to pay attention to detail, like the polished button of your shoe. But thats not in normal school and kids run around with no respect for parents or teachers and adults complain that we are the generation thats going to rule them. But they never taught us otherwise. so who is to blame. I see tests as something like a training way. If there was more discipline to it, it would be perfect. Having to learn and remember it and then get it down on paper properly. Might not sound like discipline but there's consequences to not studying for most people and sometimes you have to give up a bit of your social life to study.

Its almost impossible to be able to change and have a perfect School system without changing the home. Parents have left it up to the schools to raise their kids and now the school also has to focus on that. Because now its not enough to have just one parent at home with their kids, now to survive with a family, the costs are higher and both parents have to work and focus less on starting a family or the family they already have. and its a mystery why immigration is needed to keep Canada alive. ...

But the school system needs to not be built around science and mathematics. Most people need the basic systems of math and they can live their life and do their job with that and can sleep at night with the fact that they dont remember K means potassium. they dont need trigonometry. Now, its a technology age and there's lots of games being created and photos being edited until they are almost completely fake and fake things being made to look so real, you believe it. There is art programs that you can use to create life like looking creations online. and there is a bit of math needed for it. but not algebra. After middle school, most sciences and math things being taught, go right down the drain once a student has graduated, or even just right after the test. So how many hours a day which add to weeks, which add to months, which add to years, were wasted struggling through math and science just to forget about it. Doesnt mean that every student has to learn to draw, because it is difficult, but learning something you dont comprehend or completely throws away the creativity that you have, is even more difficult.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Any superpower in the world. That's probably the most dangerous gift anyone could ever have. Think of all the powers that could destroy the world. And I could have any one of them. But every super power has a weakness ... so which ones the best. Which one has the least amount of damage when everything goes wrong. Every superpower hurts someone else .. so which one is the least painful. Which ones worth it. And as we all know, every one with a super power has an enemy, causing the person with a power to not get close to anyone to keep them safe from getting hurt. So which one has the least of these problems?

To live forever, I think, would be the worst possible power that could be chosen. To live through all the historical events and history that repeats itself over and over and over again no matter how many times its taught. It would be sickening. to see everyone you get close to just get picked off one by one by the universe's decision that its their time to die. What would you have to do if you finally got sick of life and wanted it to end. Pay someone to knock you off or do it yourself? But to never get old .. to never have to worry about the people you care about getting tired of taking care of you and dropping you off with other old people in a building where the same thing goes on every day .. to eat the same food, to grow more tired every day and to lose memory of the things you love the best.. to not have to go through that, it might just be worth it.

What about to never have to experience fear. When standing on the edge of a cliff could mean one small slip and you are done for, but you don't care. You don't fear death. You can do whatever you want and your life will never be the same because it will be full of larger then life options. But isn't fear what tells us when its time to quit and move on. So how do we know when its not fun and games anymore.

X-ray vision. Think of all the sick little things you could do with that. The abuse of the power. To see through walls and blackened windows and every corner that's blocked up to make sure no one knows whats going on behind it. You would know everything that went on in the city. Behind every door and in every little room full of sick little games. But you cant undo what you have already seen. Every small crime, every murder, its all in your hands, and what do you do about it. What about the power to read people's minds. To know what people actually think about you and how truthful your friends are. You would know every dirty little secret anyone was every holding back. And find the ones that eat at you and you wished you hadn't heard. You could expose everyone and ruin their lives. Until you dig up that little secret that ruins yours. Welcome to your new life.

The Power to see in the dark. To never bump into something when you are sneaking out late and cant turn on the lights. Or just too lazy to turn on the lights and just want a drink of water. You'd see into every small shadow in the dark of the sleeping city and it would be yours. And there in the shadows, evil lies and you are exposed to it, you now see what actually goes on. Welcome to your new life.

There's the power to rule the world. World domination. Every country, every city, every middle-of-nowhere place is all yours. But there's such thing as too much power. Who really wants every single person's, young and old, life in their hands. To be able to crush them at any moment of any day and tell everyone else not to care. The power to be invincible, to never die, never be killed. Go through life without really having to worry about anything. Think of the major complex someone would create from that. And when life's beaten you till you have nothing else to give, you are stuck being beaten and unable to come up with life's toll.

Obviously there's not a whole lot that can go wrong with powers like breathing underwater and I guess flying isn't too bad. Or powers like being bulletproof, not much negative like that. Or being able to be elastic. though I'm sure your friends would abuse it and purposely grab your arm and start running or something. Never having to sleep wouldn't be my choice, as much as I don’t mind having the whole day to do things... .there's also the 'having the whole day to do things' forever. Being up 24 hours a day when everyone that you may find interesting is asleep and all you can do is watch the hours tick by.. Boringly. Unless you decide to sleep, but really if you decided to sleep it would defeat the purpose of the power.

My first thought was the power to be invisible. Could take anything, go anywhere and not pay. Sneak into movie theaters, be an asset to police or a master mob boss. Master of all thieves’. And no one would know what hit them. It would be brilliant; there would be no need for major planning. it would be a great power for me ... besides I’m already half way there, do you really even know who I am?

My thought would also be to have no power. To never be tied down with the responsibility. Or the power to take away the powers of others. Be able to play god for a moment in time and control the outcome of peoples lives. To strip away what they rely on most and make them human. Watch them fight like the rest of the people do. Tired and hungry and worn out. Never having the power to put themselves above everyone else and say they are better.

I think the best power though, since our choice wasn't completely specific, would be able to absorb and use the powers that everyone else has, may sound like I’m contradicting myself. Though plenty of negatives come with many superpowers... I would be able to chose and filter what powers I wanted to have. Simple ones like being invisible and disappearing when things got a little rough. Being able to fly or "jump" to places without having to book a plane ticket or find a car to drive. Wanting to know what people actually think of me.. Not my thing. Wanting to know others secrets, kind of disturbing.

But if that's unacceptable and there's only one power to have, I'd want to be able to move in time. To be able to go back to the moments that made life worth it, and if possible, to never leave. Or to go forward in time to something you are waiting for, something amazing. And not have to wait for it. With this power comes the possibility of taking the stupid and upsetting moments and changing them .. but risk possibly changing everything, even the good things. But you could also have the perfect life, take the chances you ever took which actually ended up with you getting somewhere, and completely erase all the moments that you screwed up. Any superpower in the world. That's probably the most dangerous gift anyone could ever have. Think of all the powers that could destroy the world. And I could have any one of them. This is what I chose.