Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Review

- Don't know if it will work but its all i was able to write about. but better then nothing eh.

Hate. There's many levels and many reasons to hate. My view on hate is that it is something that is needed in the world. You might wonder why. Isn't Hate what we have been trying to rid from the world, isn't it what starts wars and gets people killed? But there's good and bad to hate, seems like a contradiction. Take a minute to think about.
There's the good side of Hate. If you hate a job or a type of friend or situation then you learn from that hate to stay away from that type of job if you can. Or to try to stay away from that type of friend that caused you to feel hate towards them. I don't mean simple hate like disliking homework and not wanting to do it or disliking having to do chores. But the hate that can teach you a lesson to not put yourself in that situation and it could keep you safer. Hating a person or certain quality can keep you away from them and therefore away from that which might of hurt you in the past. Hating the way a boyfriend might of treated you or an ex husband can cause you to notice and pick out the same qualities in other people and stop you from making the same mistake.

The Bad side of hate is that it takes a lot of energy from you if you spend your time focusing and hating a person, or place or situation. If you spend all your time hating a family member or friend then you can drain yourself. How positive and happy can your day be if you spend so much time trying to hate someone or something. And if you take time to seek out and find reasons to hate, that takes time out of your life that you cant get back. Sometimes when it consumes you it becomes a feeling that embraces your body. A sick feeling in your stomach, one that can make you feel weak and like you have no strength left to deal with anything anymore, especially what it is that you hate. It causes lack of motivation and hating something and thinking about it, focusing just on that can bring your mood down to a depression state of mind.

Hate can teach a lesson. That it can cause a nation to fall and people to die but it can also help someone. If it doesn't take over your life and you don't drown in your anger and miserableness that it might cause then it can keep you from making the same mistake that you made in the past that caused that hate.

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