Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Research - Afghanistan.

A country thrown into a life of war and effortless stereotypes since the birth of the country. A country that just one day decides to become violence and the center of hate or a country that is born into it? Generations have been subjected to other countries hate towards them or other countries feeling the need to take them under their own rule. Normal children have a fit until they get what they want, play with barbies and cars and go to school, these Afghan children watch slaughters. So how can you expect them to grow up "normal". To grow up not wanting to hate, to not want to go to war. Though take in consideration the Taliban, is not a nation. Not every women and child and man will follow them. Not all will choose it over death. Americans kill Americans like Canadians kill Canadians .. like Afghans kill Afghans. Yes, we have to go after the 'bad guys' but we can not sit there and blame the entire country for what is going on. Women have no rights, they aren’t allowed to do anything and yet we can stereotype them in the same group as the terroristic men? They aren't out to just get wealthy countries. But can you blame them for wanting to? In 1919, Afghanistan regains independence after a third war that is against British Forces trying to bring Afghanistan under their 'sphere of influence'. And it’s a continuous battle after 1919 to even today as i write this, in 2011. Theres battles within the Government and struggles with new and old religions within the people. 1980s another sphere of influence comes to take over Afghanistan, the Soviet Union's communists move in. 1985 half the population is estimated to be displaced by war, many fleeing to Pakistan. A year later the U.S Begins to supply an afghan leader Mujahedin with Stinger Missiles to shoot down Soviet helicopters. In 1988 Afghanistan, USSR, US and Pakistan sign peace accord and it takes a year for the Soviets to finally pull out. 1991 US and USSR agree to end military aid to both sides. Doesn’t take long for something else to start up. in 1992 the country is once again torn apart by a war between two different groups and Najibullah falls from power. In two years over sixty-five thousand people are killed in the city Kabul while the two groups fight for power. And it 1994 the Taliban emerge as a challenge to the government. Two years later they seize control of a major city Kabul and introduce a hard-line version of Islam, banning women from work, introducing Islamic punishment which include stoning to death. The Taliban end up controlling 2/3 of the country. and then in 1998 the bombings start. US launch missile strikes at 'Suspected bases' of Osama bin Laden who they accused of bombing US embassies in Africa. In April 2001, the most powerful Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Rabbani dies. in September 9th 2001 Ahmad Shah Massoud, a man who played a leading role in getting the Soviets out of Afghanistan and created the United Front which was against the Taliban, was assassinated by Arab al-Qaeda suicide bombers. September 11th 2001, the Taliban are held repsonisble for attacks on american trade towers, two were hit, three fall. All hell breaks loose. I think you know the rest. death toll continues to rise.

2002 July - US air raid in Uruzgan province kills 48 civilians, many of them members of a wedding party

2003 June - Clashes between Taliban fighters and government forces in Kandahar province leave 49 people dead.

2005 February - Several hundred people are killed in the harshest winter weather in a decade.

2005 April - An Afghan woman was stoned to death for adultery

2005 May - Details emerge of alleged prisoner abuse by US forces at detention centres in Afghanistan.

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