Thursday, February 3, 2011


Any superpower in the world. That's probably the most dangerous gift anyone could ever have. Think of all the powers that could destroy the world. And I could have any one of them. But every super power has a weakness ... so which ones the best. Which one has the least amount of damage when everything goes wrong. Every superpower hurts someone else .. so which one is the least painful. Which ones worth it. And as we all know, every one with a super power has an enemy, causing the person with a power to not get close to anyone to keep them safe from getting hurt. So which one has the least of these problems?

To live forever, I think, would be the worst possible power that could be chosen. To live through all the historical events and history that repeats itself over and over and over again no matter how many times its taught. It would be sickening. to see everyone you get close to just get picked off one by one by the universe's decision that its their time to die. What would you have to do if you finally got sick of life and wanted it to end. Pay someone to knock you off or do it yourself? But to never get old .. to never have to worry about the people you care about getting tired of taking care of you and dropping you off with other old people in a building where the same thing goes on every day .. to eat the same food, to grow more tired every day and to lose memory of the things you love the best.. to not have to go through that, it might just be worth it.

What about to never have to experience fear. When standing on the edge of a cliff could mean one small slip and you are done for, but you don't care. You don't fear death. You can do whatever you want and your life will never be the same because it will be full of larger then life options. But isn't fear what tells us when its time to quit and move on. So how do we know when its not fun and games anymore.

X-ray vision. Think of all the sick little things you could do with that. The abuse of the power. To see through walls and blackened windows and every corner that's blocked up to make sure no one knows whats going on behind it. You would know everything that went on in the city. Behind every door and in every little room full of sick little games. But you cant undo what you have already seen. Every small crime, every murder, its all in your hands, and what do you do about it. What about the power to read people's minds. To know what people actually think about you and how truthful your friends are. You would know every dirty little secret anyone was every holding back. And find the ones that eat at you and you wished you hadn't heard. You could expose everyone and ruin their lives. Until you dig up that little secret that ruins yours. Welcome to your new life.

The Power to see in the dark. To never bump into something when you are sneaking out late and cant turn on the lights. Or just too lazy to turn on the lights and just want a drink of water. You'd see into every small shadow in the dark of the sleeping city and it would be yours. And there in the shadows, evil lies and you are exposed to it, you now see what actually goes on. Welcome to your new life.

There's the power to rule the world. World domination. Every country, every city, every middle-of-nowhere place is all yours. But there's such thing as too much power. Who really wants every single person's, young and old, life in their hands. To be able to crush them at any moment of any day and tell everyone else not to care. The power to be invincible, to never die, never be killed. Go through life without really having to worry about anything. Think of the major complex someone would create from that. And when life's beaten you till you have nothing else to give, you are stuck being beaten and unable to come up with life's toll.

Obviously there's not a whole lot that can go wrong with powers like breathing underwater and I guess flying isn't too bad. Or powers like being bulletproof, not much negative like that. Or being able to be elastic. though I'm sure your friends would abuse it and purposely grab your arm and start running or something. Never having to sleep wouldn't be my choice, as much as I don’t mind having the whole day to do things... .there's also the 'having the whole day to do things' forever. Being up 24 hours a day when everyone that you may find interesting is asleep and all you can do is watch the hours tick by.. Boringly. Unless you decide to sleep, but really if you decided to sleep it would defeat the purpose of the power.

My first thought was the power to be invisible. Could take anything, go anywhere and not pay. Sneak into movie theaters, be an asset to police or a master mob boss. Master of all thieves’. And no one would know what hit them. It would be brilliant; there would be no need for major planning. it would be a great power for me ... besides I’m already half way there, do you really even know who I am?

My thought would also be to have no power. To never be tied down with the responsibility. Or the power to take away the powers of others. Be able to play god for a moment in time and control the outcome of peoples lives. To strip away what they rely on most and make them human. Watch them fight like the rest of the people do. Tired and hungry and worn out. Never having the power to put themselves above everyone else and say they are better.

I think the best power though, since our choice wasn't completely specific, would be able to absorb and use the powers that everyone else has, may sound like I’m contradicting myself. Though plenty of negatives come with many superpowers... I would be able to chose and filter what powers I wanted to have. Simple ones like being invisible and disappearing when things got a little rough. Being able to fly or "jump" to places without having to book a plane ticket or find a car to drive. Wanting to know what people actually think of me.. Not my thing. Wanting to know others secrets, kind of disturbing.

But if that's unacceptable and there's only one power to have, I'd want to be able to move in time. To be able to go back to the moments that made life worth it, and if possible, to never leave. Or to go forward in time to something you are waiting for, something amazing. And not have to wait for it. With this power comes the possibility of taking the stupid and upsetting moments and changing them .. but risk possibly changing everything, even the good things. But you could also have the perfect life, take the chances you ever took which actually ended up with you getting somewhere, and completely erase all the moments that you screwed up. Any superpower in the world. That's probably the most dangerous gift anyone could ever have. Think of all the powers that could destroy the world. And I could have any one of them. This is what I chose.

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