Friday, May 20, 2011

Hypothetical Blog

Look at the future. Do you see world peace? The cure for cancer? No more world hunger? An overpopulated world of just wealthy successful people? Do you see the youth of today's generation growing up to change the world? Making new 'Eco friendly' products, making major breakthroughs in medicine and technology that will help save the world .... no more overcrowded prisons. ..? Well think about this for a moment. A generation of children growing up free. Free to do whatever they want, because today's generations are having less and less rules. And it gets worse over time. A future generation of children with no rules, nothing to keep them grounded, and nothing to keep them from doing the things that horrified the parents of today's generation.

Now do me a favour. Bring yourself to the future with me. A hypothetical one, but a future. Fast forward thirty years, maybe even fifty. What if the way we raised the kids in the past, will lead to the destruction of the world. The geniuses of the generation are strung out, hung over, overdosing, dead. The world though so far in time, has gotten itself farther behind then past decades. And we still stand proud. The government sits corrupt, in high chairs looking down on the world and the youth that could save them. Being corrupt is not a new game for governments, but they have expanded on the ways they can control us. We fight for world peace using brainwashing and torture, openly and consistently. There are no secrets because there's nothing that can surprise us anymore. Nothing can scare us anymore. Our children rule us and there's nothing we can do about it, we have to follow. We know that if we step out of line, we either disappear or end up in the torture cells, praying to be saved. It's gotten past the point where we can rise up and start a revolution. The government has too much power now. Not to mention now, all the countries are gathered into one Government. One power to rule all. When the corruption started, there was no one who was able to stand up and stop it; there was no one to organize a war against the corruption. It took one man, one smart man to end up as a candidate for our world, to wipe out all the other opponents and take control of the armies, one country at a time. History repeats itself... we knew that and still we were blind to this Hitler twin. And now look where we are. It's like a world of zombies. We talk, eat, sleep, and go to work, come home, watch movies. But we don’t ask questions, we don’t stand up for what we believe, we don’t want to save the world, we want the best and the most for ourselves. Schools have changed, they don’t teach history and how the world used to be, they teach how to follow orders, take what we want, the government is our saviour and the world has always been this way. Religion is something in the past. It’s like a relic. It’s rare you find it and if you are caught showing any signs of religion or practicing of it, you are taken away, and never will return. Because religion shows that there is something else out there then the government and it offers an escape. Family values have been taken away; the schools are left to raise the kids the way they want. Our children don’t understand respect, they don’t understand that they can’t just take what they want, and violence is not the answer. We are losing the meaning of Love, grace, family, friendship, care. The world is full of greed and there’s nothing that can stop us from stripping the world of everything it has just so we can say we own it. We have become desensitized to violence and it started years ago, our children start out young, hurting each other to get what they want and there is nothing to stop them.

What if the path we are taking in the present causes the destruction to the world. The children of the generation lose all that their parents and grandparents grew up knowing, all their values, all their hopes, what they love. Just because we fall to the pressure of work and society and let the children raise themselves and do that they want without learning the consequences. Believing all the TV tells us how to live and all the lies the government shares with us. I hope, that the hypothetical facts I shared will stay hypothetical, in a future that will never be.